Having a dog, or any animal companion in an apartment can make your life… exciting to say the least. Pets are a great addition to your life but finding a pet-friendly apartment for rent can be difficult. Since almost all our buildings are pet-friendly, we wanted to give you some helpful tips to keep in mind when making the decision to add a furry friend to your space. We'll also give you some of our recommendations for the best pets for apartment living. 

Consider Dog Breed Types and Personality

Since dogs are the most common apartment pets, we wanted to start with a tip for the puppy parents. This tip is for you if you’re preemptively looking at this list before you get a dog (great job by the way).

However, if you already have a dog in your apartment, skip to the next tips below, or keep this one in mind if you get a new furry friend! Dogs can be a great addition to your apartment life, but not every dog is meant to live in a small space.


Being in a small space doesn’t mean you have to get a small dog though. Some big dogs are often very larkish and appreciate lounging on the couch for most of the day, while others need plenty of space to run around (constantly). It's quite the same with small dogs, some breeds are satisfied with a few ball tosses and a brisk walk, while others need to be stimulated almost all the time.

You can find a huge list of dogs that the American Kennel Club recommends for apartment owners here.

Look for Pet-Amenities at Apartments

When looking for an apartment, people often look at amenities such as gyms, pools, social spaces, and so on. These amenities are solely focused on you and not your pet! If you’re going to have a pet in an apartment, you should consider things such as green spaces, trails & parks nearby, and dog terraces. Living in an apartment with these pet-friendly amenities will make both you and your pet’s lives much more easy.

As mentioned earlier, almost all of our buildings are pet-friendly and have a range of options that can work for everyone - including your pets. Check out all of our available properties!

Consider the Type of Pet

There’s no getting around it - some pets just simply aren’t meant to live in an apartment. As unfortunate as that is, there are plenty of other pets that make the perfect companion in a small space. We’ve already discussed some of the best dog breeds to consider, so let’s look at some other types of pets shall we? 


We all knew cats were going to make an appearance, and here we are. Cats are easily one of the best pets to own in an apartment. They self-clean, use the facilities indoors, and usually prefer to be alone (they’ll come to you). Cats are a perfect low-maintenance pet that adds some fun vibes to your space.


Fish could be one of the best apartment pets of all time. Not only will they save you money on things such as food and toys, but space is the least of their concerns. They don't require a ton of mental stimulation and are perfectly content relaxing and swimming around all day.


Rabbits are a little more advanced as they require a bit more care from pet-parents. Overall, rabbits are typically happy with just curling up in a small space and chewing on everything - so you'd best get them a lot of toys. Rabbits also require you to consistently clean the spaces that they occupy, as is the case with most animals. Rabbits in particular will leave a distinct odor that is arguably one of the most potent compared to other animals.


Lizards are a great companion for apartment residents. You don't have to worry about walking them or leaving them alone for hours. They are easy to care for as long as you remember to feed them and give them water, they will be happy and healthy!

Clean & Pet-Proof Your Apartment

With almost every animal that we have mentioned (and even ones we haven't), keeping a clean living space for them is always a top priority. Most animals love to chew things, so keeping items such as shoes, clothes, and wires out of sight will ensure that you don't come back to a broken tv and your wardrobe in shreds.

Small animals can also get into tight spaces and cause mischief, the answer - Pet Proofing. This includes things such as:

  • Using childproof latches to keep cupboards shut
  • Placing potentially hazardous bottles and products on high shelves
  • Blocking small spaces (under the fridge, couch, cabinets, etc.)
  • Keep doors closed!

There are a lot more things to consider when getting a pet for your apartment than everyone thinks. These are just a few helpful tips to keep your pet happy and healthy and you stress-free. Ensure that you do thorough research before you make decisions on where to live and what pet would be the most appropriate for both your living situation and your lifestyle.